
Accept online card payments (including MasterCard, VISA and Amex) from 170+ countries

Multi-currency IBAN


  • Accept online payments from 170+ countries (MasterCard, VISA, Amex, etc.)
  • Exceptional customer service from our product managers
  • Full dashboard for transaction management and API integration
  • Lower prices than major card processors such as Stripe
  • Funds guaranteed up to $100.000 per customer by major banks such as Société Générale

You don't need to be an IT guru to use our solutions. Easy-to-use, multi-functional interface.


B2B Pay was the first company in 2015 to use fintech to transfer money. Since then we've saved  millions of dollars while streamlining their transaction processes.




Online Learning


Credit Card Processing Pricing

Pricing & Features:

  • Onboarding fee 0
  • Monthly fee 0
  • Accept Mastercard, VISA, Amex and more

Inbound Payments:

  • Card processing fee 1.8% - 4%

Account opening time: 1 week

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Why sign up now?

Take advantage of fintech

Reduce costs during Covid

Get the edge over your competitors

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About B2B Pay

B2B Pay was one of the first companies to leverage new technologies to reduce the cost of international financial transactions.

We’ve received numerous awards and nominations in the Fintech space, and have served 3000+ SMEs worldwide.

Why are you still sharing your profit with traditional payment institutions?

You've got this far, let’s get you onboarded!

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